AI-powered chatbot, a useful tool for scientists

By Dimitri Desmonts de Lamache

Edited by Emily DeMichele

The integration and standardization of computing and omics technologies in research has facilitated the generation and analysis of increasingly larger datasets, enabling a deeper understanding of complex biological processes. As research becomes more intricate and interdisciplinary, scientists face the daunting task of sifting through an ever-growing body of scientific literature. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI), with its ability to handle large datasets and identify complex patterns can offer invaluable support. Machine learning algorithms can mine data, identify correlations, and uncover hidden insights that may elude human researchers. The relationship between AI and researchers holds immense potential for accelerating scientific discovery and advancing our understanding of the natural world. However, we are at a crossroads, and it remains to be determined whether this relationship will prove to be symbiotic or parasitic.

Here we will discuss the advantages AIs such as GPT can bring to scientific research, and the pitfalls to avoid when using these tools:

Before delving into the advantages and limitations of AI-powered chatbots, it is necessary to understand how they work

The first step in training a chatbot is data collection. A large dataset of conversations or text samples is gathered from various sources, such as chat logs, customer support interactions, or social media conversations. This dataset forms the foundation for training the chatbot. This will result in the biggest gap that chatbot use faces constrained ‘knowledge’. Once the dataset is collected, it undergoes preprocessing. This includes cleaning and formatting the text, removing irrelevant information, correcting spelling errors, and ‘tokenizing’ the text into individual words or phrases. These preprocessing steps help standardize the input data and make it suitable for training the chatbot. Next, the appropriate model is selected for training the chatbot. There are different types of models, including rule-based systems, retrieval-based models, and generative models (1). The later model was used to train ChatGPT (1, 2). Generative models are very powerful as they have the ability to generate responses from scratch based on the input they receive. They ‘learn’ the statistical patterns in the training data and use that ‘knowledge’ to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses (1-3). The training process involves adjusting the model’s parameters to minimize the difference between its predicted responses and the actual responses from the dataset. After training, the model’s performance is evaluated using a separate test dataset or through other evaluation metrics (1, 4, 5). This evaluation helps assess the chatbot’s ability to generate relevant and coherent responses. Based on the evaluation results, the model is fine-tuned and retrained to improve its performance. This iterative process allows for continuous refinement and enhancement of the chatbot’s capabilities (5, 6). Once the chatbot meets the desired performance standards, it can be deployed to interact with users. Feedback from users is collected during this stage to identify any limitations or issues with the chatbot’s responses. This feedback is valuable in further refining and improving the chatbot over time.

AIs-powered Chatbots can be powerful allies

AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, can have several applications in research, including:

  1. Research support
  2. Education and public awareness
  3. AI-based diagnostics
  4. Drug discovery and treatment development
  5. Surveillance and early detection 

Here we will cover the first research support and education and public awareness.

Research support

One of the primary ways AI systems like ChatGPT provide research support is through the extraction of relevant data from scientific papers. By training the model on a comprehensive dataset of parasitology literature, ChatGPT can recognize and extract key information related to host-parasite interactions. This enables researchers to quickly access the most relevant findings and observations without having to manually read through numerous articles. This feature not only saves time but also ensures that researchers have access to a broader range of information, enhancing the depth and quality of their research.

Furthermore, AI systems can identify connections between studies that may not be immediately apparent to researchers. ChatGPT can analyze and compare various papers, identifying common themes, methodologies, and findings across the literature. By highlighting these connections, AI can help researchers identify knowledge gaps and areas that require further investigation. This promotes a more comprehensive understanding of host-parasite interactions and guides researchers in the direction of fruitful research avenues. Additionally, AI systems can aid in organizing and structuring information for better accessibility. They can create summaries, key points, and annotations of scientific papers, making it easier for researchers to navigate and retrieve information from the vast literature. This feature streamlines the literature review process and helps researchers locate specific information more efficiently.

By serving as a research support tool, AI systems like ChatGPT contribute to the acceleration of scientific progress. They facilitate the exploration of complex concepts, offer new perspectives, and enable researchers to make more informed decisions about the direction of their research. Ultimately, this integration of AI in research support has the potential to facilitate breakthroughs in the understanding of complex biological processes such as host-parasite interactions.

Education and Public Awareness

Effective communication and education play a crucial role in raising awareness and disseminating knowledge about parasitic diseases. It is essential for biology researchers to bridge the gap between their research findings and the general public, as well as healthcare professionals, to ensure the implementation of preventive measures and appropriate treatment strategies. Despite significant efforts to bring scientists and the general audience together, scientists are often untrained to explain their research clearly and simply. AI-powered chatbots, such as ChatGPT, offer a powerful tool to facilitate this communication and education process.

Chatbots can serve as virtual assistants, providing accurate and accessible information. A very useful thing is that you can ask them to write something in any style you want. Consequently, AI-powered chatbots can easily and quickly explain complex concepts. By removing language barriers and breaking down intricate scientific jargon, chatbots can help bridge the knowledge gap between researchers and the wider audience by making the literature more digestible.

Leveraging AI in public awareness campaigns can have a significant impact on behavior change and disease prevention. Chatbots can engage with users in interactive conversations, assessing their knowledge, and providing personalized recommendations. They can suggest preventive measures tailored to specific contexts, such as geographical locations or demographic factors, increasing the likelihood of behavior change. By promoting awareness and encouraging individuals to adopt preventive measures, AI-powered chatbots could prove to be essential to control and prevent disease outbreaks.

In addition, AIs can help debunk common misconceptions and address misinformation, ensuring that the information provided is reliable and evidence-based. In turn, the data collected by AI-powered chatbots during interactions with users can provide valuable insights for researchers. Researchers can analyze the anonymized data to identify knowledge gaps, misconceptions, or patterns of behavior that can inform future research and intervention strategies. This continuous feedback loop between chatbots and researchers enhances the effectiveness of public awareness campaigns and strengthens the overall approach to combating diseases.

In conclusion, AI-powered chatbots, like ChatGPT, have the potential to revolutionize communication and education about parasitic diseases. By providing accurate and accessible information, debunking misconceptions, and promoting behavior change, these chatbots can contribute to improved understanding, prevention, and control of diseases. Leveraging AI in public awareness campaigns not only empowers individuals to make informed decisions but also aids researchers in identifying areas of focus and developing effective interventions for the future.


While AI has shown great promise in various fields, including research, it is important to acknowledge the limitations associated with its use. When it comes to research, AI has several limitations that researchers should consider:

  1. Lack of contextual understanding: AI-powered chatbots operate based on preexisting information and lack true understanding or interpretation capabilities. While this aspect can be advantageous in terms of providing accurate and consistent information, it also poses serious limitations. Chatbots lack the ability to contextualize or analyze information beyond what they have been programmed to do and may generate responses or suggestions that are technically correct but not necessarily accurate or applicable in specific research contexts. Consequently, researchers need to exercise caution and critically evaluate the information provided by AI systems, ensuring it aligns with their specific research goals and requirements.
  2. Data bias and quality: AI models rely on the data they are trained on, and if the training data is biased or of low quality, the AI system may produce biased or erroneous results. In research, this can be particularly problematic as biased data can lead to skewed conclusions and hinder scientific progress. Researchers must be diligent in assessing and curating high-quality and representative datasets to mitigate potential biases in AI-driven research.
  3. Lack of transparency and interpretability: AI models often operate as “black boxes,” meaning they generate outputs without explicitly revealing the underlying decision-making process. This lack of transparency and interpretability can pose challenges for researchers who need to understand how AI arrived at its conclusions or recommendations. It is important for researchers to critically evaluate and validate the outputs of AI systems, seeking to understand the reasoning behind the generated results.
  4. Limited generalization: AI models, including ChatGPT, learn from the data they are trained on. While they can provide valuable insights and suggestions, their knowledge is limited to what is included in their training data. This means that AI systems may struggle with novel or uncommon research scenarios or may not capture the full complexity of certain research domains. Researchers should be aware of the limitations in generalization and exercise caution when applying AI-generated results to unique or unexplored research contexts.
  5. Ethical considerations: AI raises ethical concerns, such as privacy issues when handling sensitive research data, the potential misuse of AI-generated information, and the ethical implications of AI decision-making processes. Researchers must be mindful of these considerations and implement appropriate safeguards and protocols to ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI in their research.
  6. Overreliance on AI: While AI can assist researchers in various tasks, it should not replace human expertise and judgment. Researchers should view AI as a tool to augment their work rather than a substitute for critical thinking and scientific reasoning. The interpretation and analysis of research findings still requires human intelligence, creativity, and domain expertise to ensure accuracy and validity.

To address these limitations, researchers should approach AI as a tool that complements their expertise and should actively engage in the validation, interpretation, and critical assessment of AI-generated outputs. By understanding the limitations and potential biases associated with AI, researchers can leverage its benefits while ensuring the integrity and rigor of their research endeavors.


In conclusion, chatbots have the potential to revolutionize the way researchers approach science, scientific communication, and public awareness. If used properly, these conversational tools offer immediate access to reliable information, assisting in data analysis and literature review. Additionally, chatbots can bridge the gap between scientists and the public by providing accessible and accurate scientific information, answering inquiries, and promoting scientific literacy. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning, chatbots empower researchers to save time, increase productivity, and make informed decisions while engaging and educating the broader community. Through their capabilities, chatbots can accelerate scientific discovery, enhance scientific communication, and raise public awareness, leading to a more informed and scientifically literate society.


[1] Tom. Brown, Benjamin Mann, Nick Ryder, Melanie Subbiah et al., Language Models are Few-Shot Learners. arXiv 2005.14165, 2020


[3] Qizhe Xie, Zihang Dai, Eduard Hovy, Minh-Thang Luong, and Quoc V. Le. Unsupervised data augmentation for consistency training, 2019.

[4] Guokun Lai, Qizhe Xie, Hanxiao Liu, Yiming Yang, and Eduard Hovy. Race: Large-scale reading comprehension dataset from examinations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.04683, 2017.

 [5] Rico Sennrich, Barry Haddow, and Alexandra Birch. Improving neural machine translation models with monolingual data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.06709, 2015[6] Daniel M. Ziegler, Nisan Stiennon, Jeffrey Wu, Tom B. Brown, Alec Radford, Dario Amodei, Paul Christiano, and Geoffrey Irving. Fine-tuning language models from human preferences, 2019.

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